Below are some photos of the game!
Also the group photo is our small group that we love, and love doing life with. Such deeply grounded believers who are passionate about living for the Lord. AMAZING!
Sam and I
Christine and I
During the National Anthem
A group candid of our small group
I found it so interesting seeing all the students we had when they were in Middle School who now are juniors and seniors. Wow, we have been here long, and its awesome to be the people who have been here so long. Although so many people move around us, its nice to be the people who are stationary and a constant. We are loving our friends here that we get along so well with. We love doing life with them! I think some of the best conversations I have had have been with them. They are super supportive of us as we adopt, and have opened their hearts and want to do everything they can to support us in the transition. Even if that means a 2 am phone call. We have so much in common, and much the same heart in bringing the Lord to those that are lost. We are blessed!