So some of you already heard that our adoption is on hold at the moment.
God has moved mountains, and moved so mightily in both Dan and I's hearts separately and together.
The last week of October we found out that Russia was restricting access into the country for adoptions, and we had to get our stuff in to Russia by November 1. We did everything we could do, but Illinois did not play fair. But, that being said, this adoption road has been filled with bumps and bruises. When we first started we were listening and following God in where He was leading. Through so many turns we went from Country to country, but this time it was clear that now is not the time for us to adopt. It doesn't mean that is completely done, it means its on hold. We trust the Lord that the timing wasn't right.
I went to a women's conference the last weekend in October, and Dan did some solo time with the Lord. Right before the conference the Lord put a phrase of a song in our hearts (song is Blessed be your name) and the phrase was there is pain in the offering, and you give and take away. Wouldn't you know it at the conference they showed a video of some orphans and in the video was a girl dying in her bed, and two guys playing a song over her, and it was the same phrase, with no other phrase playing.
I thought, ok God. I understand. There were many confirmations along the way as I went to a seminar workshop called Barren Womb not barren soul. This was first hard to attend, as there were 3 ladies total along with the teacher. In this workshop we talked about all the passages the Lord was impressing on my heart for the last 3 months, but also added a Psalm.
Psalm 127:3-5
New International Version (NIV)
3 Children are a heritage from the Lord,
offspring a reward from him.
4 Like arrows in the hands of a warrior
are children born in one’s youth.
5 Blessed is the man
whose quiver is full of them.
They will not be put to shame
when they contend with their opponents in court.
offspring a reward from him.
4 Like arrows in the hands of a warrior
are children born in one’s youth.
5 Blessed is the man
whose quiver is full of them.
They will not be put to shame
when they contend with their opponents in court.
What hit me the most with this Psalm, was that not anywhere does it say natural born, or specific to giving birth, or adoption. This was life changing for me as the Lord revealed to me that not everyone can parent thousands of kids and when you get to Heaven, you will see all the kids that call you mom.
All that being said, the Lord confirmed in our hearts that it was time to move. He needed us to sacrifice our desires now for natural kids for His desire for the lost. While our desire for a family is huge, His desire to reach the lost is bigger. So, this is us walking in obedience to the Lord. God's desire is so much bigger and we are not here on earth for us, we are on this earth to honour and worship the Lord.
He's in charge, so why wouldn't we follow where He says to go, if we don't who would want to be around us... (aka Jonah and whale)
We will be leaving Germany Jan 31st. We are still in need of about 800/month support but we are trusting that the Lord will provide. If He's called us to it, He will lead us thru it.