So today is Monday, the start of the work week and for us that's no different. Our work however in this season looks a bit different. Today, being summer, Dan and I are taking some High school students to Pyeongtaek for some coffee and racing. I am going with a student first who I can't wait to hear her story and find out more about her. What better way than at a cat cafe that serves coffee. Dan will be meeting us with other students and some staff later to go racing. Simulated racing that is.
As we have been here for 3 months, I am amazed at what the Lord has done. Wow, who knew but the Lord when we started this journey many months ago that we would be where we are now. As I reflect this morning about the Hallways we went thru and the living on faith literally it gives me great hope in what God has in store. I don't know what that is, but as I see things here in Korea now it seems as if God is moving his pieces in place and there is about to explode a community here that is so on fire for the Lord. Chapel has been amazing each week, the building up of community and getting the family feel. Yesterday chaps shared its not just a service that we provide, we are the church body. We need each other for our walk with the Lord, and being here in Korea.
Something about being so far removed from everything known causes you to create great community. I can't wait to see what God is doing. We are involved in a small group here, that just started. We are excited to deepen friendships, and make new ones along the way.
He has put so many amazing people in our paths already, that I am blown away by His faithfulness. I added this to our adoption blog today. This is a sample of the amazing folks around here.
hey everyone. Its been a while since I have written. We still are hoping for Hope. WE don't know what that looks like. We don't know what the Lord is doing, but we know He is doing something.
Saturday night we have a lovely Korean couple over to our house, and they asked us about babies. They asked if they could pray over us, and if they could be our super prayer warriors in that department. They mentioned they had done this with a few other couples while they were in Korea, and the Lord heard them, and gave the couples a child while in Korea.
I don't know what this all means, but I love that they want to pray. We have hope that the Lord will be faithful to what we said to us. We just don't know what that is going to look like.
Would you pray with us as well.
Waiting in Hope in Korea.