I was listening to the Christian Broadcasting Network App today and I was struck for the first time with the words of O Come All Ye Faithful. Well not all the lyrics but by the first verse.
O come, all ye faithful,
Joyful and triumphant,
O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem.
Come and behold Him,
Born the King of Angels!
What jumps out to you? Its a song we have sung many times before but for some reason I overlooked the first verse. That in and of itself is amazing to me. How I can sing a song and not even compute what I am singing. How is that??
I digress, I am off on a tangent.
Getting back to the point.
O come, (pause) ALL YOU FAITHFUL
OK, come all you who are faithful. Faithful to Christ, faithful to following after Christ, faithful in hearing his words and doing them.
(note) In what way have I been faithful? In what way now am I faithful to the call of Christ in my life and heart? Each day He calls me to something but am I faithful? AM I FAITHFUL?
OK, the next part Joyful and Triumphant.
(note) Those that are faithful will be joyful. Those that are faithful will be triumphant (not defeated). This is where it hit my heart. If I am faithful I WILL be joyful and I won't be defeated. Its easier said than done. Its an action, a daily surrender of our wills to his. Its choosing moment by moment to focus on what is right, true, noble, praiseworthy, excellent and of good report. In Philippians 4: 8-9 it says to think on these things and God promises peace. Yes Peace. I don't know about you but when I am peaceful I have Joy.
When I am walking in tune with the Spirit I am joyful and I am not defeated. Its a call to come and behold the King. Come all who are faithful. Come see this King all you who are faithful (even in your brokenness from being faithful) come. Its a call to come see, come behold, come experience the King.
So, why don't we? Who came in the Bible to see Him? Who was invited?
Would you go see the King? Would you be a faithful traveler?
Are you a faithful joyful follower of Christ? What brings you joy this season, is it gifts? Is it a person?
I want to behold the King this Christmas and be called by Him faithful, joyful and triumphant. What a thing to be characterized by; Faithful, Joyful and Triumphant.