Recently the Lord has begun an overhaul in my heart. I am not sure what He is doing, I just know, I am asked to follow Him. All His ways are good, all His ways are His design for me. So as I have not gone on Facebook as much (have gone on a few times to take some photos off) I am amazed at how many times I want to post something, or say something on a status. I ask the Lord, ok I want to put this on there but... is that what you want? More often than not He says, Be Still.You talk to much. I will and I AM. Your job now is to be obedient to the things I call you to.
I stop and think about life before Facebook, about life before the internet. Yes, I am that old...
Seems as though we were not as busy, not a stressed, and didn't have information overload. Could it be that we share so much, (good and bad) that when we do get together there is nothing to talk about? Is that why I see so many people out and about with friends and all they do is look online for conversation, when a person is sitting there in front of them. This realisation came to me from many things actually. First, going on a date night with my amazing hunny and found I wanted to post so much online, that I neglected the moment I was in. Years down the line, when either I die or He dies first, and crave more time with them but knowing now, I didn't take advantage of the time I had with him and desired to go on Facebook more. Second, noticing everyone around me engrossed in their smart phones, that they don't recognise others around them. Could it be that we have missed countless divine moments the Lord has given because we are engrossed in our own life, and Facebook?
See how the Lord is overhauling me right now... so much meditation on His word....
Lord, Please mold me for your purposes and in your way. I desire to live a Radical life for you. I don't think you created us for anything less than a radical sold out life for you. Let me LOVE radically. Let me SHARE radically, let me FOLLOW radically.
This is my desire, to honour and follow you!